To save space when corresponding with our clients, candidates and suppliers PageGroup inserts an abbreviated disclaimer at the end of each email message. For clarification purposes, the full PageGroup email disclaimer can be found below.

Email disclaimer

Any email (including all attachments) from Michael Page International Pte Ltd (Company No.199804751N) or any of its related entities across Asia Pacific (“PageGroup”) is intended exclusively for the intended addressee. The contents of the email may be confidential and any confidentiality will not be surrendered because an email has been sent to the receiver by mistake. If you have received an email in error, please reply to the sender by reply email, delete the email from your system and destroy any copies. All PageGroup emails are subject to copyright. No part of any email should be reproduced, rewritten, changed or communicated without the written consent of PageGroup. Any personal information received by you in an email from PageGroup must be handled in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

All PageGroup emails and any attachments should be scanned to detect viruses. PageGroup accepts no liability for loss or damage caused by received emails or attachments due to viruses, interference, corruption or unauthorized access.

For the avoidance of doubt, please note that PageGroup accepts no responsibility for any email sent by PageGroup employees that are of a personal nature or in breach of any law, Act, statute or regulation applicable in either the country of origin or receipt.

No emails should be printed, stored, re-distributed, transmitted or forwarded unless permission has been granted by PageGroup. Any views or opinions expressed in any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of PageGroup. While PageGroup believes that its sources are reliable, we make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the contents.

You can contact our Asia Pacific head office by phone on +61(0)2 8292 2000 and find our other contact details on "Contact Us" on:

You can view our privacy policy on those websites and if you require any additional information can email the Asia Pacific privacy officer on