Talent Trends 2022: Focus Reports

The way job seekers view their career and workplace has changed — we’re seeing a significant and universal cultural shift that is affecting every industry, discipline, market, and level of seniority. Discover the career motivators of employees across Asia Pacific and what drives them to join a company. Find out how to attract and retain high-performing talent in your organisation in this candidate-short market.

Explore the different focuses in our Special Reports below to find out more.


Talent Trends 2022: Technology in Asia Pacific

Tech professionals are among the most headhunted talent today. Does your organisation have the top talent it needs to make strides with its digital transformation strategy? The good news is that, in Asia Pacific, seven in 10 technology professionals are now on the hunt for new prospects.

Get into the mind of tech talent and discover what motivates their career decisions with this report as it uncovers the motivations behind tech talent’s career decisions.

Crafted from data gathered from 12 APAC markets, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, this report provides insights into what tech professionals really want out of their careers and explores strategies and opportunities for retaining the talent you already have.

Special Report - Healthcare & Life Sciences

Talent Trends 2022: Healthcare and Life Sciences in Asia Pacific

The COVID-19 pandemic has led countries globally to shore up their healthcare infrastructure, while pharmaceutical companies are on the hunt for top specialised talent to join its ranks, making Healthcare and Life Sciences (HLS) professionals among the most in-demand talent today.  

Fine-tune your talent attraction strategy and find out what motivates HLS professionals in this report, where data has been gathered from 12 markets, including India, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. While the conversation has been centred around ensuring these professionals are fairly compensated, our findings show that salary is not the only motivator for HLS professionals when they think of switching companies. They are also looking for roles that appeal to their passion and interests. 

Special Report - Contracting

Talent Trends 2022: Contracting in Asia Pacific

No longer seen as a second-rate option to full-time employment, contracting has grown to become a mainstream employment option in the Asia-Pacific region. Contracting professionals are now seen as vital additions that can contribute to an agile workforce, filling critical positions in organisations and allowing companies to quickly leverage their strengths for capacity building

Contracting professionals are often passionate individuals who are motivated by interesting and complex projects – and possess the skill sets to see them to fruition. In this report, you will find out more about what motivates them and learn strategies for engaging with them effectively, giving your organisation a crucial edge in the competition for contract talent

Special Report - Leadership

Talent Trends 2022: Leadership in Asia Pacific

The unavailability of required skills has emerged as the top recruitment challenge when hiring for leadership positions, underscoring the importance of upskilling and reskilling for managers and the C-suite. Fortunately, leaders are fully cognisant of this, with an overwhelming 91% believing that they need to upskill before their next career move.

These are just some of the key insights revealed in our report centred around the hiring of leadership in Asia Pacific. 

Ensure that your company has the leaders it needs to drive your organisation forward by staying abreast of current talent attraction and retention trends. The report also explores the need to implement a great company culture amidst challenges and opportunities to attract top talent of all levels.

Special Report - South East Asia

Talent Trends 2022: Southeast Asia Report

If they had to choose, 67% of candidates in Southeast Asia would pick happiness and better well-being over a pay raise, putting the onus on companies to create a positive workplace culture in which employees at all levels feel supported and appreciated.

Download this report to read more about recruitment trends in the region and why talent retention has now become an urgent priority for many companies in Southeast Asia. Along with highlighting talent trends in the region, this report also has valuable tips to help guide your company’s talent attraction policies and strategic recommendations for making your organisation a great place to work.

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Special Report - Asia Pacific

Talent Trends 2022: Asia Pacific Report

There is a shift in how employees think about work, and that has brought about a wave of resignations in the Asia-Pacific region. What motivates candidates in their job search? How can HR departments better tailor their company’s employee value propositions to attract talent

Download this report to learn about recruitment trends in Asia Pacific, and why talent retention has now become an urgent priority for many companies.

It also presents valuable advice to help guide your company’s talent attraction policies and to create great company culture to make your organisation a great place to work.

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